more support announced for ciie exhibitors -凯发国际娱乐试玩 

more support announced for ciie exhibitors -凯发国际娱乐试玩

huang yixuan
china international import expo enterprise alliance promotes the establishment and development of special committees for various industries to support exhibitors' china business.
huang yixuan

the china international import expo enterprise alliance is promoting the establishment and development of special committees for various industries to offer more support for exhibitors' business in china.

on wednesday, the alliance organized a symposium of consumer goods exhibitors and set up a special committee for the agricultural products sector.

based on the needs of exhibitors, the alliance’s special committee on consumer goods pledged to provide platforms for more enterprises, which will support their launch of new products and technologies.

"at the same time, we will provide more platforms on policy introduction and communication, to create an effective bridge linking exhibitors and authorities," the committee said.

retail sales of cosmetics totaled 299.2 billion yuan (us$46.24 billion) in 2019, up 12.6 percent from 2018, according to data from the national bureau of statistics. 

in terms of sales channels, online shopping for cosmetics has become a new trend. the regulations on cosmetics supervision, which came into effect in january, also have a comprehensive and whole-process supervision system to ensure the orderly and healthy development of the industry. 

the committee calls on all members, as industry leaders, to take the lead in following the new rules and strictly comply with the standards to create a better industry environment

the special committee on agricultural products was set up with some leading companies in the industry as founding members, including cargill, louis dreyfus, charoen pokphand group, lesaffre, dole, jbs and metro ag.

owen ma, vice president of cargill china which is the chair company of the committee, said more excellent overseas agricultural products enterprises should be attracted to join the expo. 

ma also suggested organizing thematic discussions on common topics such as trade facilitation, food security, nutrition and health, environmental protection and epidemic prevention.

special reports
