exhibition takes visitors into world of classic chinese text -凯发国际娱乐试玩

light and shadow displays are part of the exhibition.
"the adventures of shanhaijing," an art exhibition that takes people on a magical journey into the fantasy world of the 4th century chinese classic, browsing the pages in an innovative way, has opened at guangfulin relics park in songjiang district.
"the classic of mountains and seas", also known as "shanhaijing," is a classic chinese text and a compilation of mythic geography and beasts. it is a fabulous geographical and cultural account of pre-qin china, as well as a collection of chinese mythology.
the exhibition replicates the world in the classic via light and shadow displays, presenting a fresh immersive culture experience for visitors.
with nearly 10,000 sculptures featured, 447 mountains depicted in the classic are replicated in the exhibition, presenting a visual feast for visitors.

an artwork from the exhibition.
the beasts, trees, and tribal ancestors are vividly showcased in sculpture as well.
there are also interactive walls, offering an innovative way to read the text.
the guangfulin relics park, about 4 kilometers from sheshan hill, is a window shedding light on the city's rich culture and ancient history.
the park was built on the original archaeological site that was discovered in 1958.
it is widely known as the "root of shanghai" and an ideal site at which to explore the city's culture and history.

sculptures are included in the exhibition.
the park will prolong the opening hours of the gangfulin culture exhibition hall, a floating architectural construction on water, during the national day holiday.
a bazaar with cultural products, delicacies, games, and music performances will be held to enrich visitors' experiences.

a group of sculptures in the exhibition.
if you go:
date: september 28-december 31
opening hours: 9am-5pm from monday to thursday; 9am-9pm on friday to sunday and holidays.
venue: gangfulin international culture exchange center 广富林国际文化交流中心
address: building 02, no.6, lane 3088, guangfulin road, songjiang district 上海市松江区广富林路3088弄6号02栋
admission: 78 yuan per adult, 50 yuan per child