the essence of time and space: why club med is more than a holiday -凯发国际娱乐试玩

the essence of time and space: why club med is more than a holiday -凯发国际娱乐试玩

emma leaning
i had the privilege of spending three nights at the club med phuket resort. as perfect as everything was, luxury isn’t what grabbed me about this brand. so, what did?
emma leaning

what’s one thing money can’t buy? time.

we all have a set amount of time. an inconvenient but inescapable fact of life is that at some stage we will each run out of moments. and in the final few, we will wish we had more with the people and things we love most.

the essence of time and space: why club med is more than a holiday
courtesy of club med

a bird's-eye view of club med phuket resort

i recently had the insane privilege of spending three nights at the club med phuket resort. i could very easily gloat to you about the all-inclusive, sun-soaked 72 hours i spent. or the impossibly personable service of the g.o (great organizer) (that’s staff to you and me). i could boast about evenings with ceo’s indulging in beautiful food and wonderful conversation. or i could walk you through the faultlessness of the facilities, ranging from spa and circus school to thai boxing. and part of me wants to do all that because it was the most lavish holiday i’ve had. but, as perfect as everything was, luxury isn’t what grabbed me about this brand.

the essence of time and space: why club med is more than a holiday
courtesy of club med

a warm welcome from the g.o.

so, what did?

time. the beauty and rarity of time. and not just time, space. another luxury when you live in a metropolis like shanghai. hardly ever do i have time and space to myself. because, as you know, it’s not what life in the modern world offers. and yet they are two of the most vital components of being human. but if you have a career, kids, or a home to keep, you’re likely in short supply of both.

the essence of time and space: why club med is more than a holiday
courtesy of club med

president of club med henri giscard d’estaing

if you haven’t heard of this 74-year-old french-born family of resorts, they specialize in high-end holidays in stunning locations around the world. their one-of-a-kind essence according to club med global president henri giscard d’estaing is their premium, all inclusive package. “it means guests can enjoy a full range of activities all day and evening long, this dimension is key because each family member can find and enjoy their own holiday.” we spoke about how club med manage to maintain their edge in a competitive market. “with us, guests enjoy a hassle-free stay that allows them to fully relax,” said henri, “they can indulge without any hidden costs. and our 68 resorts across 40 regions are filled entirely with premium products that cater to ever-evolving consumer preferences.”

and, as ceo of east and south asia and pacific club med rachael harding told me, club med offers more than all inclusive. “anyone can do all inclusive,” she said, “here everything is carefully curated so it’s not just a matter of putting a package together, there’s so much depth and thought that goes into the whole experience.”

it’s paying off. in 2023, club med reached its highest business levels since before covid. according to andrew xu, ceo of club med china, here alone the company hosted some 300,000 guests making china the second-largest sourcing market in the world after france. the love affair between company and country is mutual, when i asked what excited her about china, rachael said “every time you go back there’s something different. china enables a really safe, nice place for families to explore its regions.”

the essence of time and space: why club med is more than a holiday
emma leaning

beautiful phuket from above

there are 10 club med resorts in china, each offering a unique experience from tropical island oasis to snow filled paradise, and there are more projects in the pipeline. “we see many opportunities” henri told me, “we have many projects around the world and very active development in china and a product range that’s larger than the rest of the world. we have, of course premium and luxury resorts like this one, then we have what we call club med joyview and club med urban oasis, which is designed to offer families short stays not too far from the city. we have them around shanghai, around beijing and we will open one in the coming months in chengdu.”

henri put it well as we chatted about what sets this group apart. he’s been with club med since 1997 and remains as passionate about its unparalleled approach as he did 27 years ago. henri said, club med are experts in “the art of living.” i agree. life is a load, and club med invites you to lay it down.

i’m back in shanghai and stuff quickly got busy. i’ve been looking at my club med tote bag and remembering the importance of creating time and space. we get one life, one shot at existence. for me, there is a buzz in the hustle and bustle of the city, but there’s peace and connection in the nurturing of a luxury escape.

founder of club med, gérard blitz said, “the purpose of life is to be happy. the time to be happy is now. and the place to be happy is here.” you can buy time. you can buy space. you can buy them at club med. and should you ever feel the need for either, i highly recommend putting yourself in their masterful hands. the experience is more than a holiday, it’s an opportunity to be in the moment with those you love. and as i said, we only get so many moments. spend them wisely.

the essence of time and space: why club med is more than a holiday
emma leaning

we only get so many moments. spend them wisely.

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