registration for inhaled covid-凯发国际娱乐试玩 

registration for inhaled covid-凯发国际娱乐试玩

cai wenjun
beginning tuesday, shanghai opens reservations and registrations for inhaled covid-19 vaccine booster shots, with a number of sites across the city accepting eligible residents.
cai wenjun

shanghai kicked off registration and reservation for inhaled covid-19 vaccine booster shots on tuesday. the vaccination starts on wednesday, the city government said.

booster shots can enhance immunity effects and prolong protection duration. so far, over 23 million residents in the city have received full vaccination and 12 million of them have received booster shots. those who haven't received boosters are encouraged to fulfil the task as soon as possible for better protection.

the city started to offer inhaled adenovirus type-5 vector-based covid-19 vaccine from wednesday.

people who received the full injection of covid-19 vaccination at least six months ago, and are 18 years or older, can receive one free inhaled booster.

currently, residents only receive one injected or inhaled booster.

from tuesday, all eligible people can make reservations on shanghai's health app jiankangyun, or health cloud, for reservations and then bring their identity certificate for vaccination. people aged 70 or older should be accompanied by family members or volunteers.

here are answers from the health authorities regarding some possible questions about inhaled vaccine.

q: what is the inhaled recombinant covid-19 vaccine (adenovirus type 5 vector)?

a: the vaccine uses non-harmful adenovirus vectors to transport genetic material with the expression of s proteins, which the sars-cov relies on to invade human cells, into the body to prompt the human body to produce antibodies through atomized particles that can be inhaled through the month to the lung tissues.

q: what are the requirements for receiving the inhaled covid-19 booster?

a: eligible people are those who received full vaccination at least six months ago, and are 18 years or older. the inhaled vaccination is now only used for boosters.

people only need one booster, whether injected or inhaled.

q: what is the dosage for the inhaled vaccine?

a: 0.1 ml per shot.

q: can people aged 60 or older, and minors under 18 years old receive the inhaled booster?

a: the inhaled vaccine is now only available to people aged 18 or older.

q: what is the immunity efficacy of the inhaled vaccine?

a: clinical trials in domestic adults comparing inhaled boosters and injected boosters with different vaccines confirmed that both can significantly improve immunity response.

q: what is the immunity duration of the inhaled vaccine?

a: researches found the antibody levels remain high six months after receiving the inhaled vaccine.

q: how safe is the inhaled vaccine?

a: research covering over 10,000 people aged 18 or older didn't find any serious adverse reactions.

q: are there any contraindications for the inhaled vaccine?

a: 1. people who are allergic to components of the vaccine, or those who have developed allergies while receiving the same type of vaccine before.

2. people who have had serious allergies to vaccines (such as acute allergies, angioneurotic edema, or difficulty breathing).

3. people with epilepsy, which is not under control, and other progressive neurological diseases, and people with guillain-barre syndrome.

4. people who have fevers, acute disease, outbursts of chronic disease or serious chronic disease which is not under control.

5. pregnant women.

q: can people with chronic diseases receive the inhaled vaccine?

a: people with chronic diseases are at high risk of developing serous conditions or potentially dying after catching covid-19. people in stable condition, with well-controlled chronic diseases through medication are suggested to receive vaccination. those suffering outbursts of chronic diseases should delay the vaccination. people with a history or family history of convulsion, epilepsy, brain diseases, mental diseases, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary fibrosis or lung function disorder, and patients with immunity function damages should be cautious.

q: can people who have recovered from covid-19 infections receive the inhaled vaccine?

a: it's rare that a person will catch covid-19 within six months after infection. people who were infected six months ago can receive the vaccine after detailed notification.

q: can people prone to allergies receive the inhaled vaccine?

a: people with a history of serious allergies to vaccines shouldn't take the booster. other people should consult a doctor and review the seriousness of the allergy and allergen.

q: how is the vaccine inhaled?

a: 1. exhale deeply.

2. hold the mouth of the atomizer and inhale the vaccine.

3. hold your breath for at least five seconds and then breathe normally.

q: when should a person re-inhale the vaccine on the spot?

a: 1. if there is significant leftover atomized gas-vaccine.

2. if while inhaling, you cough or fail to hold your breath for five seconds.

people can re-inhale another dose, but only one re-inhale is allowed.

q: what should people pay attention to after receiving the inhaled vaccine?

a: people should stay at the site for at least 30 minutes for medical observation and avoid contact with common allergens and items which cause personal allergies. it's best to avoid drinking alcohol, eating spicy food or sea food. a light diet and more water are suggested.

q: are there any adverse reactions people may have after receiving the inhaled vaccine?

a: common reactions include fatigue, headache, fever, dry mouth and swollen throat, which don't require special treatment, and will recover on their own.

q: will the inhaled vaccine influence nucleic acid tests or antibody test results?

a: no.

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