quick response over minhang covid-凯发国际娱乐试玩 

quick response over minhang covid-凯发国际娱乐试玩

yang jian
shanghai reported a covid-19 community case, and added a medium-risk area on sunday.
yang jian
quick response over minhang covid-19 community case

residents line up to receive nucleic acid screening in xuhui district.

shanghai reported a covid-19 community case, and added a medium-risk area on sunday.

the male asymptomatic case lives in jiangchuan road subdistrict of minhang district.

he tested abnormal during recent regular polymerase chain reaction (pcr) screening and has been put under medical observation.

apart from his accommodation at 111 huaning road, the 18-year-old man had been to the fever clinic of luodian hospital in baoshan district.

quick response over minhang covid-19 community case
shen xinyi / shine

shanghai reported a covid-19 community case in minhang district.

quick response over minhang covid-19 community case
shen xinyi / shine

shanghai designates a medium-risk area in minhang.

as a result, his accommodation was designated as medium-risk areas and put under lockdown.

a total of 1,603 close contacts of the new case have been traced and placed under central quarantine. among them, 1,395 have tested negative.

a total of 120,986 related people have been screened, and all tested negative.

quick response over minhang covid-19 community case
shen xinyi / shine

medium-risk areas in shanghai at present.

special reports
