comprehensive management needed for diabetes, experts say -凯发国际娱乐试玩 

comprehensive management needed for diabetes, experts say -凯发国际娱乐试玩

cai wenjun
the low screening rate, management, and awareness of diabetes are big challenges, as less than 37 percent of chinese diabetics have their disease under control.
cai wenjun

comprehensive management through medication, diet and exercise is highlighted for the management of diabetes, which affects 141 million chinese, local experts said ahead of world diabetes day next tuesday.

the low screening rate, management, and awareness of diabetes in china are big challenges, as less than 37 percent of chinese diabetics have their disease under control while many more are not even aware of the risk.

"diabetes has become a serious public health issue, due to a change in diet and lifestyle along with a rising number of the elderly," said dr zou dajin from tongren hospital. "long-term high glucose levels can injure blood vessels and nerves, causing cardiovascular disease and kidney disease. it can be fatal under serious conditions."

doctors said an overall control of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes is important, as these conditions can take place at the same time and influence each other to further deteriorate the patient's condition. people could also face a higher risk of organ damage and atherosis.

cardiorenal syndrome is the biggest threat to diabetics and a major cause of death for people with type-ii diabetes. diabetic nephropathy has become the leading cause of chronic kidney disease and kidney failure.

comprehensive management needed for diabetes, experts say
ti gong

local doctors and sport professionals lead people to do physical exercises.

"it is a long-term task, requiring regular and scientific service and guidance from professional hospitals, grassroot facilities, and drug stores for patients' appliance and better disease control effects," said pharmacist wang junling.

smart medicine is considered an effective tool to enhance diabetes management.

roche diagnostics announced it had teamed with the chengdu eastern new area administration committee at the china international import expo to jointly promote a comprehensive digital chronic disease management program, and help communities build health records for patients locally to enable stronger clinical decision-making.

it is a digital management platform for major chronic diseases at the grassroots level, so that health-care facilities can dynamically monitor the health outcomes of chronic disease patients.

in july 2023, roche diabetes care cooperated with the new area to integrate its blood glucose digital management solution into the district's diabetes and hypertension screening program. through collaborative digital management in and out of the hospital, doctors have established complete health records for patients in their communities to support earlier prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, while optimizing the allocation of resources and reducing medical costs.

screening for diabetes and hypertension for citizens over 60 years has been performed across five pilot areas in the area. among the 20,000 people screened, more than 2,000 were identified to have diabetes or be at high risk of diabetes, and received early intervention and management measures.

comprehensive management needed for diabetes, experts say
ti gong

roche diagnostics signs an agreement with the chengdu eastern new area administration committee at the china international import expo.

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