chongming hosts cyclists from across the taiwan strait -凯发国际娱乐试玩 

chongming hosts cyclists from across the taiwan strait -凯发国际娱乐试玩

yang meiping
young people get together with mainland peers to enjoy a day of competition and fun as they are introduced to the charm of chongming and what it has to offer visitors.
yang meiping

about 400 young people from the chinese mainland and taiwan province enjoyed the natural beauty and rural revitalization on shanghai's chongming district over the weekend via a riding and hiking competition.

the event was the fifth of its kind organized by the island district's taiwan affairs office and other government departments to help the young people from across the taiwan strait to communicate with each other and learn about chongming.

in the orienteering event, participants cycled 30 kilometers and walked 3 kilometers. the route took them through a 133-hectare wood with rich variety of vegetation, where they had to find eight spots such as a local agricultural produce purchase center, a wood café and a minsu (chinese version of b&b), and play interactive games.

there was also a fair, where participants could appreciate chongming specialties and cultural and creative products.

chongming hosts cyclists from across the taiwan strait
ti gong

a riding and hiking competition attracted about 400 people from the chinese mainland and taiwan province over the weekend.

chongming hosts cyclists from across the taiwan strait
ti gong

participants play pitch-pot at one of the spots on the trail.

chongming hosts cyclists from across the taiwan strait
ti gong

people's skill in using chopsticks is tested.

chongming hosts cyclists from across the taiwan strait
ti gong

having fun was an important part of the day.

chongming hosts cyclists from across the taiwan strait
ti gong

cyclists take a break to enjoy local specialties.

chongming hosts cyclists from across the taiwan strait
ti gong

participants who finished were awarded a medal.

chongming hosts cyclists from across the taiwan strait
ti gong

some of the cyclists who enjoyed the competition on chongming.

special reports
