platforms, online retailers unite to help delivery staff beat the summer heat -凯发国际娱乐试玩
editor's notes:
the city is fighting the heat wave with special care being given to people who work outdoors. we are finding out how sanitation workers, traffic police officers and deliverymen are taking novel measures to stay cool while getting their work done as usual during the hot summer in shanghai.

over 10,000 service stations are available for meituan delivery riders in community neighborhoods and downtown commercial areas in shanghai.
special service stations offering protection for delivery riders from heat waves are part of shanghai's efforts to help outdoor workers deal with the hottest period of summer.
new measures have been put in place in addition to offering heat alleviating tools and outfits.
meituan's mobile catering vans in shanghai and other cities in the yangtze river delta region are providing iced drinks, sunscreen outfits, and raincoats for delivery staff.
in shanghai, over 10,000 service stations have been put into use at community neighborhoods, downtown commercial areas, and shopping malls for delivery riders.
other supplies include sunscreen outfits and apparel, and liquid herbal formulas to counteract the summer heat and prevent heatstroke.
under extreme weather conditions, delivery sites would also optimize traffic routes and extend the estimated delivery time.

discounted lunch dishes are offered for delivery staff.
chinese fast food chain home original chicken is offering special discounts at selected restaurants for meituan delivery staff during afternoon off-peak hours, in addition to mobile batteries and drinking water.
smart technologies have also been deployed during the summer to allow more efficient delivery of food and drink.
in yangpu district, a new drone delivery route connecting the wujiaochang area and huangxing park was put into use earlier this week.
the 10-minute route links the wujiaochang shopping area and a designated pickup spot inside the park, which could help save delivery time and prevent delivery staff from being exposed to excess heat.
at the same time, over 20,000 restaurants in about a dozen cities have teamed up with the all-china federation of trade unions to offer discount set menus and dishes for part-time and temporary workers, including delivery staff.

an rider picks up a heat alleviating kit.