what is shanghai: it is a city of the future -凯发国际娱乐试玩 

what is shanghai: it is a city of the future -凯发国际娱乐试玩

the information office of shanghai municipality and shanghai media group released a 90-second promo video, 'link·future.'

the information office of shanghai municipality and shanghai media group released a 90-second promo video, 'link·future.' details below

what is shanghai?

it is a city of the future!

what is shanghai: it is a city of the future

aigc scans city images

igniting imagination of a city of the future

what is shanghai: it is a city of the future

aigc scans city images

igniting imagination of a city of the future

what is shanghai: it is a city of the future

the future of economic vitality

vibrant growth fueling economic future

what is shanghai: it is a city of the future

the future of great livability

eco-friendly living linked to future life

what is shanghai: it is a city of the future

the future of modern cities

leading into the future of urban innovation

what is shanghai: it is a city of the future

embracing the present and envisioning the future, ai drives urban innovation. the latest advancements in the 'five centers' demonstrate immense creative potential, with cutting-edge technology shaping intelligent futures and urban renewal enhancing quality of life.

what is shanghai: it is a city of the future

open, diverse, and vibrant, shanghai embodies hard work, brilliance, and celebration. this modern international metropolis connects the world and looks to the future as a city of people.

what is shanghai: it is a city of the future

"shanghai link···future," is now streaming on major media platforms.

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