wisdom of wellness -凯发国际娱乐试玩

wisdom of wellness -凯发国际娱乐试玩

the “yellow emperor’s inner canon” (黄帝内经) is the oldest text of traditional chinese medicine. though compiled more than 2,300 years ago, this ancient chinese scrutiny of the causes and treatments of disease offers valuable advice and practical methods still valid in contemporary life. this column, written by veteran journalist zhang ciyun, provides insight into the basic concepts of traditional chinese medicine. may you find in its wisdom ways to protect and improve your health.
the “yellow emperor’s inner canon” (黄帝内经) is the oldest text of traditional chinese medicine. though compiled more than 2,300 years ago, this ancient chinese scrutiny of the causes and treatments of disease offers valuable advice and practical methods still valid in contemporary life. this column, written by veteran journalist zhang ciyun, provides insight into the basic concepts of traditional chinese medicine. may you find in its wisdom ways to protect and improve your health.
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acupuncture is a jab well done in treating ailments, protecting health

the western world was slow to embrace a therapy that the chinese have been successfully using for millennia in traditional medicine.
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walk 100 steps after you finish a meal and you may live to be a centenarian

traditional chinese medicine stresses the value of light exercise in maintaining a happy mind and healthy body.
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the gateway to taste: don't hold your tongue, examine it

the tongue’s appearance can be telltale sign of the health of the body, according to traditional chinese medicine.
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judging a book by its cover: your face is the window to your health

your complexion may reveal telltale signs about your well-being, according to ancient medical precepts.
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ancient advice on the best way to treat disease? nip it in the bud

traditional chinese medicine advises people to take steps to maintain good health to prevent the onset of illness.
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you are what you eat: traditional chinese medicine outlines a healthy diet

eating and drinking in moderation are prescribed as the way to maintain well-being and live to a ripe old age.
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want to be healthier and dispel harmful emotions? laugh more!

traditional chinese medicine has long linked our emotional states with physical health. to preserve well-being, a smile goes a long way.
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maintaining good health is clockwork in traditional chinese medicine

the day is divided into 12 two-hour segments corresponding to body organs. to maintain well-being, it’s best to adjust your daily schedule to your body clock.
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'unity of heaven and man' a cornerstone of traditional chinese medicine

ancient chinese philosophies tie humans, heaven and earth together in a harmony of life that needs balance to best survive.
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when a body organ is more than just a stand-alone function of anatomy

the holistic approach of traditional chinese medicine views organs as part of a complex, interactive system that requires treating causes as well as symptoms.